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Saturday, October 23, 2010

What Is My Business?

      What is my business? If you cannot answer this question you do not have a business.  You don’t have a commitment. You don’t have a vision. You don’t have a plan. You don’t feel a responsibility or have a belief in yourself to endeavor and you don’t have a dream. Even though this business is a relatively new business model, it is a business. This business, network marketing, has many of the hall marks of any traditional business. Failure rates are about the same for any new business. You have to invest money, time, sweat, worry, self education, mistakes and undeniable feelings of doubt. You know people that just don’t believe that this business will ever go anywhere or make enough money to have you quit work and fire your boss. Most of them will be family and friends who will doubt your abilities to cope, to become someone different, someone stronger and confident, someone richer in life and wealth.
Why is the network marketing business more difficult than traditional business to become successful? Answer: It isn’t. Not by a long shot. Network marketing is all about you and your commitment to yourself, your family and your dream. As long as you find the right supplier, an ethical company whose goods are desirable and consumable for repeat business and an ethical network marketing company that the business plan is focused on the training and success of every new prospect with front end earnings and back end earnings (residual). The huge difference between opening a business like an auto repair shop and a network business is in a repair shop there are no coaches, no training, and no one concerned if you fail or not. In network marketing there is ton of training, great coaches and many people concerned with your success.
In The Freedom Project, I should say, especially in the Freedom Project you are afforded free training and lifetime free training! Where could you possibly receive free training, coaching, advice or mentoring for the lifetime of your traditional business? No where! You would have to pay for all of your advice and who might you be asking for this advice? Are they in the same business as you with the same commitment to the same business as you? Not likely because those are your competitors. Or are they in business with a commitment to make money from you and not with you?
In baseball, hitting is always the same. Your initial batting stance maybe be different than others (I will call it their personality) but when the pitchers start their motion to throw, the batters hands come down to the proper hitting position and all the mechanics to hit a baseball is the same in all batters. The only difference in the batters is their talent. From the time a professional baseball player starts playing Little League baseball and all the way through to his professional career he is taught to duplicate the mechanics of hitting. The Freedom Project teaches duplication. From the family who is making half a million dollars a year to the brand new prospect. Each person is taught to duplicate the business. You are taught to duplicate a winning process.
Okay Gene, if it is so easy, why isn’t everyone doing it? Well there are a lot of answers to that question. First is all of us were raised and taught to be employees. Get a good education, get a good job, work hard, save money and retire with your savings. Well that model has Phds’ going broke as they try to live on savings lost by the economy and social security. But for us rookies in the Freedom Project my thoughts are you do not believe the Freedom Project with our supplier is a true business. You feel safer with a job and benefits. I felt safe for twenty five years with a job and benefits. I still have nothing, I lost my job ( it wasn’t really mine because I could not take it with me or sell it), I lost my benefits and anything I have saved in the company retirement plans are gone. We rookies and others that have struggled for a while have to look in the mirror and tell the truth to ourselves. Do we treat this network marketing Freedom Project as our own business? If you do you would have a commitment, a vision, a plan, belief in yourself to endeavor and you would have a dream.
What is my business? This is my business to coach and teach the Freedom Project duplication process. I am in it for the long run. I am a Freedom Project builder.

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