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Sunday, November 28, 2010

What a week!

Wow! Things are beginning to pop! YES! I am receiving submissions and requests for more information in my  Facebook messages. I am bringing my two candidates through the pipeline. I am stoked. This is going to happen for me.You need to jump on my back and we will go all the way baby!

If you want to be on my team and go all the way just click one my www.miniofficeoutlets.com/gjr  site or click on the large ad on top. Come On What Are You Waiting For!!!

Friday, November 26, 2010

Hi Everybody,

This weekend my son Gene and I went to the Rich Dad Education Seminar. This particular seminar has to do with Real Estate Investing. It was fun and my son Gene is all fired up. I suspect by the time he comes home tonight from his college classes he will have bought and sold two houses.

You know, that is the idea to get fired up about your future. Gene has called all his friends and told them he is going to be rich and he told his friends that he is going to teach them and help them become rich. He is fired up!

That is what we do. We were fired up about becoming rich and free, when we took the step to join the freedom project. And our friends, and are all of us in the Freedom Project. So do it like my son did. Tell everyone what you want to become. My son wants to become rich. So Peggy Listen I am going to be Rich, filthy rich. My timeline is three to five years where I could absolutely retire from my J.O.B. I will not quit the Freedom Project because I want to be free from corporate America.

As most of you know, Corporate America’s plan is for you to get an academic education, find a job, buy a house, have kids and retire poor. Retire poor because they have your money. I don’t want to retire just to live off my kids. I would rather give them things they want and desire.

There were many lessons to be learned at the seminar which directly correlates with the Freedom Project.

The first day at the seminar had to do with the outline of the program and putting all the participants in the right mind set. One of the things they spoke about is being in business.

I have to tell you folks, what we do is a business! And there are only two outcomes in this business as in any business.  Just two outcomes; Success or Failure.

The good thing is we define our success. Yes We Define our success. If Success is an additional 300 a month to you, that is success. You met your goal. If half a million a year is your definition of success in the Freedom Project and you meet that goal, you are successful. I have not set a date with that goal yet but when I figure it out I will let you know.

I am glad Roger Barnett offers incentives like cars and trips. All that is wonderful. But that is not my definition of success. My initial success is to get a J.O.B. meaning Just Over Broke
Why do I want a job? I just started in this business so I need an income. I also want to tell the company I may work for, in two years or less mind you, I will tell my boss, Good by I won’t be seeing you! I just came in today because I want my paycheck to remind me of how broke I was working for you.

Some of you are new to this. Some have been doing this for a while. I have told everyone I can, that I am in business; my business name is Gene’s Mini Office Outlets.  Have you told almost everyone you know you are in business and your business name? I have.
I think telling everyone that you are in business lets you know that you are serious about this business.  I did not say that it lets everyone know that you are serious about this business. I said that it tells yourself that you are serious. If you are not serious about this business why should your prospects and your sponsored people think that this is a serious business. I spend between six and ten hours a day on my business. If I was working it may be much less but my free time I would work on my business. I have not sponsored anyone yet and all that means is I need to work harder learning what to do. I read, I watch instructional videos, I listen to tapes, I listen to recorded conference calls. I go to conference calls. It is hard for me to do the conference calls at night but soon they will be part of my schedule. I also call Peggy almost daily. As a manager and supervisor I spoke to my bosses everyday giving them reports and going over any new brilliant ideas they came up with. I don’t have much to report to Peggy but she does have a lot working knowledge and great advice to give me. Isn’t it better to receive free knowledge than have to pay for it? I think so. So I call Peggy.

Going to the Rich Dad education did two things. One it open my son’s eyes that he does not want a J.O.B. Gene wants money to work for him instead him working for money. Its called leveraging. Leveraging is where you use someone else’s money or time and effort to make money. In Real Estate you are most likely to use someone else’s money to make money. In network marketing you are leveraging your up line to educate yourself on how to do this business. You then leverage your down line to duplicate the process taught to you and to duplicate your efforts by the effect of multiplication.

The second lesson learned at Rich Dad Education is: applied knowledge is power. As a business person you may come to these conference calls every time. You may read everything the Freedom Project gives you. You may even go to Shaklee University. But until you apply your knowledge and skill sets that are taught to you. Nothing happens. Nothing happens. I learned some things about advertising this week and I applied the knowledge. They gave me a month for free. Their advertising system still will not meet my expectations but they gave me another month of advertising for free. I will take free advertising. I applied my knowledge. Applying what you have learned and applying the skill set you have practiced will make something happen. Not applying your knowledge and skill sets nothing will happen. My prospect, Mike, was the first I did the initial call and Meet and greet by myself. I was confident because I practiced and went on ride alongs with Peggy. I felt I had enough knowledge and enough skill sets to do this one on my own. Peggy felt confident in me too. By applying my knowledge and skill sets I gained experience. So applied knowledge is power. Something happened when I applied my knowledge with Mike. I gained experience.

Side note: Peggy will be helping me with the Classrooms with Mike

One last thing. Priorities. I have a real tough time with my living situation. I live with my ex wife. When we were married it did not work. I can assure you living with her now does not work.

The living situation I am in is not conducive to having a business in the freedom project. I can go live somewhere else but it would be without my kids. I will not have any of that. I did not start having kids at thirty years old to leave them now.  Once I find a job and find my own place. I can assure you they will live with me. They will want to because they know they are my number one priority.

Well, you may ask, where does my business, Gene’s Mini Office Outlets fit on my list of priorities?  My business is number one on the list with my children. Let me tell you why. If I do not follow through with my goals and expectations of myself in my business, I will become a burden, not a father, a burden on my children’s future. I do not want or desire this. I am sure they don’t either. This business is my priority. I would rather be a provider than my children’s burden.

Thank you

Any questions?

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Hello To All MY International Friends

  • Hello To All MY International Friends
Please Leave a comment or click on my website www.miniofficeoutlets.com/gjr

Thank You and have a wonderful day!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

What We Have

As much as industrious overachievers hate to admit it, sometimes all you need to get rich is dumb luck -- multiple lotto wins, or finding a buried treasure or valuable comic books. Other shortcuts to wealth come with strings attached: marrying rich, divorce, or lawsuits, for example. Still, the point is that while the average American toils for an average wage of $22.59 per hour, according to July data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, there are the few who made fortunes without much labor. In other words, for the average wage earner to make a million dollars, he or she would have to work 40 hours a week for approximately 21 years. Doesn't it sound easier to buy a lottery ticket?

Most people dream of hitting the lottery just once, but Las Vegas resident Joan Ginther has been a lot luckier than that. Ginther won the Texas lottery four times over the past 17 years, winning $5.4 million in 1993, $2 million in 2006, and $3 million in 2008. Her biggest score came in 2010: a $50 scratch-off ticket that was worth $10 million (10 Shortcuts to Easy Street, Bloomberg Business Week, Nov. 10, 2010).

Truly, why will most of the people struggle all their lives? Answer: we were taught that way. Our parents, our schools, our government teaches us to be employees. Most employees will never be rich. We are taught to be good employees or good professional servants. The United States, as many other countries did, modeled our education system after the Prussian education model. The Prussian Education System was eight years of mandatory schooling that attempted to fully prepare students for the modern world. This educational system instructed students on basic educational concepts, such as mathematics, writing, and reading. At the same time, it also taught things like obedience, duty to country, and general ethics (How public education cripples our kids, and why By John Taylor Gatto).High schools teach economics but no school teaches financial education. The education needed to become financially independent.

The great H. L. Mencken, who wrote in The American Mercury for April 1924 that the aim of public education is not

“to fill the young of the species with knowledge and awaken their intelligence. ... Nothing could be further from the truth. The aim ... is simply to reduce as many individuals as possible to the same safe level, to breed and train a standardized citizenry, to put down dissent and originality. That is its aim in the United States... and that is its aim everywhere else.”
What Mr. Mencken is articulating is the school system is to develop a citizenry of workers so the rich would always have a supply of workers for their businesses and needs.  The government also looks at the Prussian system as a system to “to breed and train a standardized citizenry, to put down dissent and originality.” American slave owners knew that an educated black population would bring the end to slavery, so they outlawed black slave education. Although education is not outlawed the conspiracy of the rich and powerful is to dumb down the American public. Why do we see people with doctorates going broke in retirement?
No financial education. We let other people, who have no financial education sell us mutual funds within 401(k) plans. Once we give them our money we have no control of investment. These mutual fund companies take their fees and cost before the money is invested because they know the next day the mutual fund may lose a great deal of its original wealth. Ba Da Bing! The rich get richer while the poor get poorer.
This is why The Freedom Project Builders are different. We are taking control of our financial education. First we learn how to build and earn. Then as our income grows we learn to invest. We have mentors all the way to the top and we are lucky we have a man like Roger Barnett that is willing to open a business where we could grow our financial education and wealth as opposed to businesses like banks and insurance companies who pay their employees little and take all the profit. The Freedom Project business is a gift. Open it up and fulfill your dreams!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

When I was Young

Actually when I was in my twenties my dad introduced me to A.L.Williams Company. I was twenty three, twenty four. A.L.Williams sold term life insurance and they also sold mutual funds. The big pitch was the customer would buy the less costly term life insurance, dump their whole life insurance and then use the difference to invest in mutual funds. BUUTTTT this was all done as a multi level marketing program. So you, the builder could grow your company and earn incredible wealth. Nothing wrong with any of it except it was a real door to door, one on one sales program. And there I was twenty something, an ex army medic, an office cubicle installer, now an expert in life insurance and investing money. Their money. Yep, Yep, Yep! I was to go into somebody’s house to tell the forty something year old they should listen to my advice. I did not have a single nickel in a bank savings account but I knew how they should invest their money!
            I am 51 years old now. Not much smarter but a little more experienced. The older you become the larger your rear view mirror becomes. The rear view mirror is big, not huge, but big enough to see your own life so clearly. There are many, I should have dones and many, I wish I hadn’ts. This is why I am writing this article. I am writing this article to tell the young Freedom Project people they need to really take hold of this business because the Freedom Project is a viable business which works under two great market engines; the internet and network marketing. These two entities will become more prolific as the years forge forward. Everything as it is now will have changed or become extinct because of these two game changers.  I would not doubt the business you grow now in the Freedom Project will not only represent Shaklee but maybe two or more other suppliers in the future. So the time is now to build your business.
            I wish the knowledge I have now I had as a young man, the knowledge of network marketing when I was in my twenties. You see, I would have made my money, my kids would have had easier lives and maybe the physical tolls on my body would have never taken place. My business would be wide and deep and instantly ready to take on any opportunities, changes and challenges the future will bring. Instead I am starting now. My advice is to stick with the Freedom Project. Learn what you need to learn, do what you need to do to grow your business and become the shining stars to your children.