In any network marketing business, the business owner that presents their business will try to create excitement in their prospect. In my case, I knew a bit of what may happen as soon as I found out that I was being presented the Freedom Project plan. The difference was I became so excited that a network marketer had contacted me! As I said in my last blog, I thought and still think I am able to do this type of marketing business. So thank you Rose and thank you Peggy!
Big question, how excited am I? Extremely excited! I want to know everything that can be known about the Freedom Project, and about all the successful Freedom Project coaches. Just let me have it all so I can run as fast as I can into my own financial freedom. But things take time. I know my up line does not like waking up in the wee hours of the morning or staying up late into the early morning hours dreaming with me of what kind of business owner I will be or how much I will be able to earn or how much time I will be able to enjoy with my family giving them the best I can give them and the best of me. So being enthused is not a problem with me.
Of course, even though I am excited about my new opportunity, I still wanted to research this endeavor. I explained to my girlfriend what I was looking into. She immediately went to the internet to see if this was a scam. My girlfriend was impressed to find none of the internet sites (she checked a lot of sites) proved to show that the Freedom Project was a scam. She found there was no compelling reason not to go forward and listen to Peggy’s and Rose’s follow up phone calls. She even agreed to become my training buddy. What I found was that Robert T. Kiyosaki of Rich Dad, Poor Dad fame endorsed network marketing as did President Bill Clinton and many other notables. I also found that the Freedom Project supplier has been in business over fifty years and the supplier has been in the Green Business before that name became a moniker for a an environmental concerned society. My conclusion is I have an opportunity to make my life better, so I’ll do the business! Yeah!
Robert Kiyosaki Network Marketing Richdad financial freedom now (
President Bill Clinton (
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