We have seen change come. In our history,just to name a few, we saw the development of the automobile. The horse and buggy mode of transportation is just a romantic ride in a large city now. We had the baby boom generation that has fueled just about everything from the use of the automobile to the laptop computer. We went to the moon and after that developed space stations and shuttles. Our country, with Ray Kroc,established the fast food industry,now McDonalds is all over the world. Just about anything that was imagined was invented. More inventions are on their way to make life more simpler but not easier unless you are willing to change.
What will change is the way you work and live? I predict soon most office jobs will be home based jobs because it will be cheaper to buy a computer than rent a large building. As people become more internet savvy and the use of social sites become more predominate the way you work,get paid,your benefits, your commute,your family,your children and your education will be affected by the internet. Change will happen more rapidly as the government struggles with health care and the cost of running the government. Many doctor appointments will be held over the internet to drive down the cost of health care. Airlines will no longer depend on business flights because the internet can set up a conference with your team around the world on a moments notice. Business will be able to speak to their clients through the computer and not have to fly to see them. Families will not need to fly to visit each other as much because you can see and speak to your children and grand children through the internet. The automobile will have less an impact on society because many people will not have to commute to work. Society will depend more on shopping through the internet than going to the mall. All modes of transportation will suffer as they exist now.
The internet is the engine which will drive economic activity in the future as it is beginning to now. The baby boomer generation is getting older and is retiring at a clip of 7,000 people a day. Most will not have enough money to sustain their retirement as people are living to an older age. Bank saving accounts,company retirement plans,IRAs, life insurance plans will not hold any water as the government continues to devalue the dollar by printing more dollars. A dollar is nothing more than a piece of paper meaning I owe you because our debt is owed to countries around the world. That means a retirement account that is large today will not be enough to live on when you retire. Many retirements where wiped out during this last economic disaster. What are you to do if your retirement account will not be enough to last you 20,30 years into retirement and you then turn toward your children to sustain your living needs?
I have been educating myself as I have seen family and friends suffering in retirement. I have seen many friends lose their jobs as I have. I have not been able to find meaningful employment. Many jobs are doomed to extinction because there will be another seismic change in the economy soon. The amount of cars,airplanes and other modes of transportation will not be produced because the demand for them will go down. The need to have high rise buildings in the cities will no longer exist because of telecommuting. Employees will be able to live anywhere in the world to do their office job. Meaning that competition will drive down the salary for these telecommuting jobs. The rich will get richer as they are positioning themselves for the future while the number of poor in our society will grow because people will not let go of long held beliefs about going to school. get a good job and save your money for retirement. Financial education is what is needed along with an open mind to change your circumstance. I have opened my online business and my son and I will be opening a new venture in November/December.
If any of this concerns you, email me at ad909394johnson@yahoo.com or leave me note on Facebook. Read my blogs at www.genedjohnsonjr.blogspot.com. I am also posting on ezines. If you want to look at my online business go to www.miniofficeoutlets.com/gjr.
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