Albert Einstein: Most of us take Einstein's name as synonymous with genius, but he didn't always show such promise. Einstein did not speak until he was four and did not read until he was seven, causing his teachers and parents to think he was mentally handicapped, slow and anti-social. Eventually, he was expelled from school and was refused admittance to the Zurich Polytechnic School. It might have taken him a bit longer, but most people would agree that he caught on pretty well in the end, winning the Nobel Prize and changing the face of modern physics (
Abraham Lincoln: While today he is remembered as one of the greatest leaders of our nation, Lincoln's life wasn't so easy. In his youth he went to war a captain and returned a private (if you're not familiar with military ranks, just know that private is as low as it goes.) Lincoln didn't stop failing there, however. He started numerous failed businesses and was defeated in numerous runs he made for public office (
Jerry Seinfeld: Just about everybody knows who Seinfeld is, but the first time the young comedian walked on stage at a comedy club, he looked out at the audience, froze and was eventually jeered and booed off of the stage. Seinfeld knew he could do it, so he went back the next night, completed his set to laughter and applause, and the rest is history (
My little story is my mom and dad always built me, my brother and sisters’ confidence up. Nevertheless, I was a shy kid. In ninth grade I wanted to be the quarterback on the football team. When many of my teammates heard that I was going to try out for the position. A couple of the more popular guys decided to tell me that I would never be the quarterback because one of those two guys would win the position. They harassed me and teased me so much I started hearing it from everybody, “don’t waste your time,” so and so will be the quarterback for the team. I was heartbroken. I felt I had already lost the position. My dad, my great dad, told me that I haven’t even tried out for the position, so how could I have lost the quarterback position? My dad explained to me that there would always be roadblocks and detractors for the things we want most. Well, I tried out and won the quarterback position as the first stringer. Lesson learned.
No, That Will Never Work! Don’t waste your time! You are stupid to fall for that scam! Is this what you have heard from family and friends? First thing is take a look at how successful they are. They may have a great job but they may be up to their necks in debt. In this economy, like me, some may be unemployed. So really who is living the biggest scam perpetuated on man? People go to work every day and all their time and efforts are leveraged by the people at the top. They will never, working at their job, make more than their President or CEO. That is a pyramid. The military, every business and corporation uses this business model. This is not true with The Freedom Project.
The question always is; is this a pyramid? You answer in the affirmative. “Absolutely,
Let me explain the difference between the Freedom Project and traditional business.” In a traditional business or corporation the people below the President or CEO will never, working at their job, make more than their President or CEO. In The Freedom Project though, your success depends on your desires and dreams. So it is possible and it happens all the time that a person who decides to affiliate themselves with The Freedom Project could and often does make more money than the people that joined The Freedom Project before them.
In your job or career, you may be promoted but fat chance you will ever attain the position of President or CEO. So why listen to them? Your family and friends are brainwashed into thinking that being employed is nirvana. Their jobs are never guaranteed. The job they hold does not belong to them so when they leave, get laid off or fired they cannot sell their position to the next employee. The job they do, they do not own. Top that off, all the retirement plans are market influenced. What happens to all that money you were counting on evaporates due to market fluctuations just as you are about to retire?
Your family and friends and most of the people today are taught by their parents and schools to be employees. Go to school, receive a good education, find a well-paying job, marry, buy a house, save your money for retirement. What are they teaching? Your family, friends and the school system is teaching people to join the rat race. But you are different and it is you I want to be partners with. You think differently. It is because you were open-minded enough to listen to something that is out of the norm of usual everyday life. You were willing to let a person teach you something different, out of the norm. The Freedom Project.
Now the question is how are you going to handle your family and friends? My dad said, “There will be roadblocks and detractors.” First, you must remember that your family and friends love you and are looking out for your best interest. Now, that is as far as that goes. You must take an objective look at their situation. Are they free to do whatever they want or do they have to be at their jobs Monday morning? Are they saying things like TGIF(Thank God it’s Friday)? First thing is take a look at how successful they are. Is their situation something you would really like to duplicate? Ok, do not put your family and or friends on defense. Give them affirmative answers like, “Yes you’re right.” “I never thought of it that way.” “Wow, what was I thinking?” This will make them feel smart and you will not question their long held entrenched beliefs with your new found dreams and aspirations. There is a world of people out there that is waiting for you to show them something different. Don’t work with negative people, they think they are always right.
Now how do you handle your own feelings? After all, the people you love and trust are telling you network marketing is a scam and it will never work for you. The answer is to learn. Learn about network marketing and why it is over fifty years old. Learn why many large corporations are gravitating towards network marketing over traditional marketing. Find the people that have been successful in the network marketing business and follow their advice. Look, many of the people who complain about network marketing business are: a person that thought the network business is a get rich quick endeavor, may have not affiliated themselves with the right team of network marketers or someone that does not believe they have the drive to make network marketing work. Understand that it will take three to five years to make your business successful enough to quit your day job. Give or take a year due to your drive, talents, ability and aspirations.
The Freedom Project is different than most network marketing business models. The mentors are exactly that, coaches. They teach others to teach others and they teach others. The Freedom Project team of coaches want to see you succeed as opposed to an employer who just needs to leverage your time and efforts to make his business profitable and pay you a wage. When the employer does not need you, your job is terminated and you are out the door. Contrast that to The Freedom Project coaches who will teach you to develop your own business and will never fire you because you are your own President and CEO.
Lesson: Don’t let others put limits on what your abilities, aspirations, talent and drive can do.