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Wednesday, October 27, 2010

It's Time For You to Jump Aboard the MLM Train

            Most people do not have to look into a crystal ball to see what their retirement will look like. Problem is most people will not look at their retirement until it is too late. Do you really have a secure financial future? Let me point out some things that are affecting your future retirement. President Nixon took the dollar off of the gold standard in 1971. This meant that the dollar is now backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. government meaning you and me through taxes. When President Nixon took the dollar off the gold standard he turned money into an IOU currency.  Let me explain, before 1971 gold was $35.00 an ounce and there was a finite amount of gold that the U.S. had. Our government owed money due to the Viet Nam war so our gold reserves were being depleted. The United States was heading for bankruptcy.  To keep the United States from going bankrupt and keep the gold that the government still had, Nixon turned us into a debtor nation because now the government is able to print money whenever it wants to. Guess what that does to the dollar. The more money the government prints the faster the dollars drops in value and gold increases in value. Gold is selling around a $1,000.00 an ounce now.
            Real Estate inflated in price as did everything else since 1971. But the dollar lost value. The reason is because real estate, gold, silver are tangible, something you can see and touch. The dollar, on the other hand, has no value because it can be printed at will by the government. This is why President Bush and President Obama tried to stimulate the economy with an influx of cash. The government can print money.
Okay what does it have to do with me? If you are working you probably belong to a company retirement account, 401(k) and have an IRA. You also have been told to diversify, diversify, diversify and diversify. So you invest into mutual funds and market accounts. Before you receive your paycheck money is deducted and sent to Wall Street where they diversify your money into their pockets first. So the rich get richer. But your accounts follow the stock markets right? Lately what has happen to your retirement accounts? Alright then, what happens if you plan to retire today? The dollar you invested in these mutual funds in 1985 is worth less today. Meaning that you will not be able to buy as much of the things you need in retirement as you would have if you retired in 1985. On top of that you may have lost a substantial amount of your principle investment. Not looking to good.
Well what do we do? You need to arm yourself with a financial education. One good way to do that is network marketing. The people in network marketing teach how to operate a business with a very low start up cost. I am with the Freedom Project. The Freedom Project has the best training program going as their business education program is absolutely free and on going as long as you need it. The reason I recommend network marketing is the money you profit from is always at the day’s market rates. Meaning, that if you sell a bottle of soap today for a dollar and a year from now prices inflate due to the economy and that bottle of soap is two dollars your profit will come from the inflated price. Let’s say your profit margin on all the products sold through your organization is 20 percent on each dollar. You made .20 cents on the soap bottle that sold for a dollar. The next year prices rose making that bottle of soap rise by a dollar, so two dollars. Your profit is .40 cents. Over simplified but true. You are making money instead of losing it in the stock market. With the Freedom Project your business will develop residual income, basically meaning you will have an income whether you are working or not and an income that will out perform the stock market or mutual funds. It's Time For You to Jump Aboard the Freedom Project Train
To get more information join me at www.miniofficeoutlets.com/gjr.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

No Business Training? No Problem! Network Marketing Made Easy!

In 1860 traveling salesmen were known as canvassers, peddlers, hawkers and drummers. Some of these former peddlers created trained sales organizations.  Had it not been for their influence, many of the corporate names we’re all familiar with today might never have been. Names like Heinz, Avon, Fuller Brush, Nutrilite, Shaklee, Stanley Home Products, Mary Kay, Tupperware and Amway. These companies paid commissions to distributors for the products they sold and were given bonuses on sales volume. If the distributor was able to recruit others into direct sales of the company’s products the distributor’s sales volume increased and so did his sales volume bonus.
Direct sales or multi-level marketing required these sales men to go door to door and demonstrate the products. Stanley Home Products sold household cleaners, broom, mops, etc. Stanley Home Products decide to sell to organizations to increase sales. This was the beginning of home presentation parties. New distributors were recruited and had to be taught how to use and demonstrate the products they were selling. Distributors bought their products at discount and sold them to their customers at full price. They also sold their products to new distributors with a smaller mark-up so the new distributor could make money. The regional distributor would also share in the sale volume bonuses with his distributors.
In the 1980’s multi level marketing shifted gears with a business model of I’ll pay for my products for personal use and you buy your products for personal use from the same supplier and this way we can create sales volume and build individual distributorship business. Still direct sales were and still are a major component of any multi-level marketing company. The distributors were still required to hold their own inventory, deliver their products and collect money. In order to grow their company the distributor would have to sponsor new distributors. This was hard because you would start trying to sponsor family and friends and normally be soundly rejected. Except for that one prospect who believed in the product, or system, the distributor would be turned away. It would take some tough people to persevere in the multi-level marketing business. The multi-level marketing system unfairly gained unfortunate notoriety because of people trying to market to family and friends.
Yeah, okay but it is still a pyramid. Yes it is a pyramid, inverted. In any traditional business the business owner, CEO, President is always at the top and everyone below him or her works for him or her. All the employees earn a paycheck. All net profits go to the one on top of the pyramid. This is leveraging. The one at the top leverages your time and effort so they can extract the profits from the company and you take home a defined amount of money for your efforts no matter how loyal and hard you work. There is a 99.999 percent chance you will never become the business owner, CEO, or President of the company or corporation.
In network marketing and I prefer to call it network marketing instead of multi-level marketing because network marketing is a network of like minded individuals who are entrepreneurs that are equals in every way except that some have built stronger businesses than others. Multi-level marketing suggest there are people above you and hold domain over you. This is not true because an individual through their own efforts, desire and talents could earn and produce a sizable business that is greater than their sponsor.
In the picture on the left, the darker shade of the pyramid represent the traditional business model. The employees are on the second level and below. Creating the base are the employees who generally put in the most effort and are paid the least. All employees have almost a 100 percent chance of never making it to the top of the pyramid. The inverted or lighter shade of the pyramid represents network marketing. The sponsor at the bottom of the pyramid networks or sponsors other people to build their own business always teaching, coaching and pushing up their new business owners. By networking the base is on the top as the network of business owners grow. Every new business builder has the choice how large their business will be and that may be larger than their original sponsor.
How has network marketing become easy? Network marketing is not easy it is simple but not easy. In any business endeavor it takes time and energy. It takes short term goals, long term goals and a lot of dreaming. It takes failures and disappointment. It takes reeducating yourself from an employee mentality to a business owner mentality. You can no longer work behind the scenes. This is your movie and you are the star, director and producer. This is your baby and you have to nurture and guide the business to what you want it to be.
Why is the network marketing simple? Well the missing ingredient has finally made it presence known – the internet. The internet is still trying to find itself. The internet is still in its infancy but it has found a good friend and that is network marketing. In the past you would burn up fuel, money and time going to house to far away house as you built your down line. Your appointments would not show up after you drove a hundred miles to show them your business. With the internet you are as close to anyone in the world as soon as you sit down with your computer or laptop. How about that? Top that off with the products that customers and business builders buy are directly shipped to their house and they pay for their products on line under your name.  Now prospects find your advertisement on line, connect with your website, qualify themselves, and submit their information to you asking you to call them! I am in the Freedom Project and this is my business. I don’t have to make speeches in someone’s house, deliver products to them and collect money from them. You cannot find a better business for such a small monetary investment. This is why network marketing particularly the Freedom Project is simple.
Network marketing is not easy. You still have to advertise, you have to wait for business to come to you, you have to learn new internet advertising skills, and you have to change your employee mentality to a business owner mentality. You have to be coachable and you have to want to coach others to be successful. You have to want and desire change to be successful.
As the automobile and airplane was a major change in transportation. The internet is a major change in the way people will shop for goods, work, socialize and educate themselves. The internet and network marketing is the future as business continues to grow on the internet and soon you will see more stores in strip malls closing because they will not be able to compete in the new world of business. So where do you want to be? In the fore front of the new business model or fall behind and compete for the ever increasing low paid service job? Come build a team with me and together we will build a very nice income and lifestyle. http://www.miniofficeoutlets.com/gjr

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Economic Change-What are we looking at?

We have seen change come. In our history,just to name a few, we saw the development of the automobile. The horse and buggy mode of transportation is just a romantic ride in a large city now. We had the baby boom generation that has fueled just about everything from the use of the automobile to the laptop computer. We went to the moon and after that developed space stations and shuttles. Our country, with Ray Kroc,established the fast food industry,now McDonalds is all over the world. Just about anything that was imagined was invented. More inventions are on their way to make life more simpler but not easier unless you are willing to change.

What will change is the way you work and live? I predict soon most office jobs will be home based jobs because it will be cheaper to buy a computer than rent a large building. As people become more internet savvy and the use of social sites become more predominate the way you work,get paid,your benefits, your commute,your family,your children and your education will be affected by the internet. Change will happen more rapidly as the government struggles with health care and the cost of running the government. Many doctor appointments will be held over the internet to drive down the cost of health care. Airlines will no longer depend on business flights because the internet can set up a conference with your team around the world on a moments notice. Business will be able to speak to their clients through the computer and not have to fly to see them. Families will not need to fly to visit each other as much because you can see and speak to your children and grand children through the internet. The automobile will have less an impact on society because many people will not have to commute to work. Society will depend more on shopping through the internet than going to the mall. All modes of transportation will suffer as they exist now.

The internet is the engine which will drive economic activity in the future as it is beginning to now. The baby boomer generation is getting older and is retiring at a clip of 7,000 people a day. Most will not have enough money to sustain their retirement as people are living to an older age. Bank saving accounts,company retirement plans,IRAs, life insurance plans will not hold any water as the government continues to devalue the dollar by printing more dollars. A dollar is nothing more than a piece of paper meaning I owe you because our debt is owed to countries around the world. That means a retirement account that is large today will not be enough to live on when you retire. Many retirements where wiped out during this last economic disaster. What are you to do if your retirement account will not be enough to last you 20,30 years into retirement and you then turn toward your children to sustain your living needs?

I have been educating myself as I have seen family and friends suffering in retirement. I have seen many friends lose their jobs as I have. I have not been able to find meaningful employment. Many jobs are doomed to extinction because there will be another seismic change in the economy soon. The amount of cars,airplanes and other modes of transportation will not be produced  because the demand for them will go down. The need to have high rise buildings in the cities will no longer exist because of telecommuting. Employees will be able to live anywhere in the world to do their office job. Meaning that competition will drive down the salary for these telecommuting jobs. The rich will get richer as they are positioning themselves for the future while the number of poor in our society will grow because people will not let go of long held beliefs about going to school. get a good job and save your money for retirement. Financial education is what is needed along with an open mind to change your circumstance. I have opened my online business and my son and I will be opening a new venture in November/December.

If any of this concerns you, email me at ad909394johnson@yahoo.com or leave me note on Facebook. Read my blogs at www.genedjohnsonjr.blogspot.com. I am also posting on ezines. If you want to look at my online business go to www.miniofficeoutlets.com/gjr.

What Is My Business?

      What is my business? If you cannot answer this question you do not have a business.  You don’t have a commitment. You don’t have a vision. You don’t have a plan. You don’t feel a responsibility or have a belief in yourself to endeavor and you don’t have a dream. Even though this business is a relatively new business model, it is a business. This business, network marketing, has many of the hall marks of any traditional business. Failure rates are about the same for any new business. You have to invest money, time, sweat, worry, self education, mistakes and undeniable feelings of doubt. You know people that just don’t believe that this business will ever go anywhere or make enough money to have you quit work and fire your boss. Most of them will be family and friends who will doubt your abilities to cope, to become someone different, someone stronger and confident, someone richer in life and wealth.
Why is the network marketing business more difficult than traditional business to become successful? Answer: It isn’t. Not by a long shot. Network marketing is all about you and your commitment to yourself, your family and your dream. As long as you find the right supplier, an ethical company whose goods are desirable and consumable for repeat business and an ethical network marketing company that the business plan is focused on the training and success of every new prospect with front end earnings and back end earnings (residual). The huge difference between opening a business like an auto repair shop and a network business is in a repair shop there are no coaches, no training, and no one concerned if you fail or not. In network marketing there is ton of training, great coaches and many people concerned with your success.
In The Freedom Project, I should say, especially in the Freedom Project you are afforded free training and lifetime free training! Where could you possibly receive free training, coaching, advice or mentoring for the lifetime of your traditional business? No where! You would have to pay for all of your advice and who might you be asking for this advice? Are they in the same business as you with the same commitment to the same business as you? Not likely because those are your competitors. Or are they in business with a commitment to make money from you and not with you?
In baseball, hitting is always the same. Your initial batting stance maybe be different than others (I will call it their personality) but when the pitchers start their motion to throw, the batters hands come down to the proper hitting position and all the mechanics to hit a baseball is the same in all batters. The only difference in the batters is their talent. From the time a professional baseball player starts playing Little League baseball and all the way through to his professional career he is taught to duplicate the mechanics of hitting. The Freedom Project teaches duplication. From the family who is making half a million dollars a year to the brand new prospect. Each person is taught to duplicate the business. You are taught to duplicate a winning process.
Okay Gene, if it is so easy, why isn’t everyone doing it? Well there are a lot of answers to that question. First is all of us were raised and taught to be employees. Get a good education, get a good job, work hard, save money and retire with your savings. Well that model has Phds’ going broke as they try to live on savings lost by the economy and social security. But for us rookies in the Freedom Project my thoughts are you do not believe the Freedom Project with our supplier is a true business. You feel safer with a job and benefits. I felt safe for twenty five years with a job and benefits. I still have nothing, I lost my job ( it wasn’t really mine because I could not take it with me or sell it), I lost my benefits and anything I have saved in the company retirement plans are gone. We rookies and others that have struggled for a while have to look in the mirror and tell the truth to ourselves. Do we treat this network marketing Freedom Project as our own business? If you do you would have a commitment, a vision, a plan, belief in yourself to endeavor and you would have a dream.
What is my business? This is my business to coach and teach the Freedom Project duplication process. I am in it for the long run. I am a Freedom Project builder.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Just a little note

Hello Friends and fellow business partners, 

I will be writing articles on EzineArticles.com It will include some of the blogs I have on my FreedomProject blog.
So please visit and share with your friends and family.I will continue writing for this blog.

Gene Johnson

Saturday, October 16, 2010

A Valuable Phone Call

Yesterday, I was speaking to Peggy Allen on the phone. Just a casual conversation. The note worthy thing about this conversation is how much you learn listening. There is a few subjects I want to write about but the first one is the most important. I caught myself several times speaking over Peggy’s conversation. What did I have to say that was so very important that I could miss what this woman of twenty eight years in Shaklee and a professional teacher in the personal improvement was saying? Nothing, of course, absolutely nothing. My goal now is to listen with intention to understand, and to ask more questions. Obviously I cannot learn when I am speaking but I will learn if I listen with intention to understand what is being said and to ask questions to clarify what is being said. I have so many resources in The Freedom Project, that are so valuable, that it is time to take my arrogance out of the equation to learn from people like Peggy, Carol, Glenna, the Freedom Mama and Papa.

The second subject I learned in the conversation with Peggy was how she was able through experience, knowledge and enthusiasm was to clarify and fine tune  my dreams. She is guiding me through dreaming of the life I want. Maybe as child it was very simple to dream and wonder, but as an adult it is a difficult task to dream and wonder. Peggy let me tell her about my dreams. She did not laugh at me but laughed with me as she helped me tighten my dream. My vague dream is to speak in front of a large audience with conviction, confidence and having fun with the audience while having fun myself. Peggy said I will do that and dreamed with me. Now my dream has Peggy introducing me in Anaheim at one the Shaklee’s conventions. But she helped me more by giving me more freedom to dream. Now I am speaking to my downline in conventions around the world. So here it is, Peggy has given me a right to dream, a right I always had but through the complications of life and the negativity of others, dreaming and wondering went into hibernation. How exciting is it to dream things that where in my mind impossible? Dreaming was shackled in a dark dungeon in my brain. Peggy and The Freedom Project gave my dreams a little light and a hacksaw to break free. Dreaming is now part of my personality.

Peggy during the conversation was teaching me, solid," how to things." She was telling me how Shaklee set up this wonderful compensation plan. Peggy has a definite plan to help me through my personal problems but she has her own personal problems and one is with her eyes. But what I did not hear from Peggy was more important. Very important. Her enthusiasm and can do attitude never wavered. Peggy is a powerful life force with enough enthusiasm and can do spirit to power a thousand rocket ships through the universe and she was giving all of that to me during this phone call. It is a if God tapped me on the shoulder and told this angel to help me. Alright, so I will listen with intention to learn and understand, ask questions to clarify and remember to listen to what is not being said verbally. This will make me a stronger, more confident person as I move through the Freedom Project.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

You Are A Loser!

In The Freedom Project, almost all new people will immediately find that the people around them (i.e. family and friends) will not be as enthusiastic as you are when you decide to embark on a new endeavor, especially in network marketing. Some of the people that are in your life may even hope that you fail. That is OKAY! You must remind yourself that you are changing the way you think, the way you act, the way you look at life, the way you feel about yourself and the way you see everything in your world. Feelings of anxiousness, insecurity, fear, and doubt will be with you because you are doing something against what you have been taught is normal. You are going against the grain.
In my life I have someone that not only would like me to fail but labeled me a loser for trying something different. “It is a scam!” she shouts with wild abandon. “Give me the money you will lose on the scam, you loser!” she exhorts. She continues to explode with many other well worn expletives and rants about all her exhausting research she has done through the years on network marketing. So I think she must be wrong! She convinces me with all her knowledge about network marketing that I am right to continue to do this business. She is so persuasive. I am glad she is in my life otherwise I might not have continued on with network marketing.
What did you see in the program that gave you thought that Freedom Project might work? Did you think that this is something you could do? The program the builder presented you, the premise seemed simple and easy to understand. The numbers looked extremely possible. What was it that made you think and feel that this business was for you? Maybe you did some homework on it and found some very influential people in the business like Warren Buffet and Donald Trump. Or people like President Bill Clinton and Robert Kiyosaki of Rich Dad, Poor Dad fame promoting network marketing as the best educational tool and business the average person should consider buying into. Let’s look at some of the things we are taught by our parents, schools, friends, family, and people we work for:
1) Go to school and get a good education and then go get a good job.
I would never say not to go to school and receive a good education. You should. But what is your education teaching you? It is teaching you to get a job. A job in which you will never build equity so you can sell your job in case you decide to quit, retire or you get laid off or fired. Our educational system does not teach people about how to acquire money and invest it or better yet, teach you make a residual income for you (financial education).
2) When you have a job you are able to invest into the company’s 401(K) plans and you can start an IRA account so you will have enough money to retire on.
I should give you research on this matter but let us just kick it. Unless you have been hiding under a rock the last few years, you know many people who lost their jobs. So they stop making monthly contributions into the 401(k) plans and IRA accounts. If you were one of the fortunate ones to keep your job, your retirement accounts just don’t look so hot with the financial markets failing. On top of all that great news, social security will effectively make you poor if you decide to retire and live entirely on those benefits.
3) Your parents and teachers said become a professional like a doctor, lawyer, CPA, etc.
These people make lots of money, yes they do. Some even become fabulously rich. But most don’t. They may open their own offices, pay employees, pay insurance, and everything else they need for their professional practice. But when they retire there goes their income, they will have to rely entirely on their investments. Some retired professionals will do well in retirement, many will not. They will either keep working or live in a standard of living that is less than what they are accustom to.
Okay, how will I change from the old ways, get a good education and then get a good job and then invest in the company’s retirement plans or become a professional and make lots of money. Simple but not easy - start a business. Start a business that you could develop a good income but more importantly a residual income. A residual income that continues paying you whether you work or not and will always keep up with inflation. How does residual income keep up with inflation as opposed to investing in the market? In the stock market your investments may out perform the inflation rate but because the market is cyclical in nature, the market will suffer a let down and you could lose so much of what you have earned through mutual funds, stocks, etc. Residual income, which is the services or goods that are produced by your supplier, is sold at current market rates. This is where you derive your residual income.
The question remains, am I a loser? I could be a loser even with the Freedom Project. To win at anything you need to put your armor on. You need to strengthen your defenses and you do this by learning everything you can about what you want to be. Then when someone calls you a loser you will look at them and see that they are the ones that are losing. You’re winning because you educated yourself to what the answers are. Your education supports your beliefs, desires and wants. Your education gives you answers that are stuck in your head and heart and gives you confidence to know the blowhard is wrong.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Coming in Gold!

Now I am an official distributor!

The best thing is I don't  sell any products,just use them. All I have to do is teach others what I do! They duplicate what I do and they teach others to duplicate themselves! No home meetings,no product parties,no door to door. I won't tell you how we do the business but I'll invite you to click on my business website. Watch the movie,fill out the submission form if you want to know more. It will not cost you a nickle to learn and evaluate.